Pinkerton Music Spotlight: Victoria Volokitkin

Alexandria Zimmerman, Staff Writer

Senior Victoria Volokitkin, a classically trained singer, expressed that she can’t escape music as she spends around 30 minutes to 2 hours outside of school, as well as in the music programs through school and her community.

Victoria Volokitkin sings soprano in the chorale and is known to be friendly, bubbly and an overall fun person to be around.

When asked about Volokitkin, Mrs. Sandra Olson had nothing but praise. “She’s a wonderful student; she’s very conscientious [and] expects a lot of herself.” 

Along with a high opinion of her personality, Mrs. Olson also spoke highly of her voice. 

“Beautiful soprano voice,” Mrs. Olson said.  

NH All-State judges seem to agree as Volokitkin has been involved in the selective audition-only choir for three years. She says this is her fourth year auditioning and third year getting into the highly selective NH All-State choir. 

Volokitkin has recently been experimenting with style and genres such as jazz, R&B, and artists like Ariana Grande, Harry Styles, Jordan Raki and a band called Daisy. 

With such a wide variety of musical styles, Volokitkin said, “I’m basically all over the place.”

Her drive to experiment genres speaks for her passion for music. Volokitkin is passionate about the school’s music programs. Her passion extends outside of the classroom and seeps into the workplace as she currently works at Let’s Play Music. 

Victoria expressed she “basically can’t escape music” and in a follow up email detailed “it’s something that I can never let go. ” She said her interest in music extends from her grandfather wanting her to sing at church and growing up with music in general. 

My parents have always supported me with my music by signing me up for lessons,” Volokitkin said. “They knew how much I loved it, and so they wanted to support it. They always want to see me on stage, and will support me with anything that I do about it.”

Every four years the Pinkerton Academy chorale goes to Disney World to compete in Festival Disney music competition. In 2019, the Pinkerton chorale earned two first place trophies. Volokitkin said the Disney trip is probably her favorite event of the year and enjoys going with her friends in the chorale. 

After Pinkerton, Volokitkin plans to continue with music and go into vocal performance for a career. Her goal is to sing for the “Boston or New England [Conservatories].”

For students who are interested in joining any of the music classes and extracurricular activities, it’s never too late to join. Several students in the music program also have participated in sports. While it’s quite the balancing act, the students are able to do both and love it. 

 Mrs. Olson said that students who are thinking about auditioning for a role or who are considering taking a music class should seriously consider it. 

“[You] won’t regret it,” said Olson.