Students Welcome A New Schedule
32 Minute FLEX Period to Build Connections
November 3, 2022
In order to build student-teacher connections and make a “home-base” for students, school officials have made a 32-minute FLEX period in between blocks one and two to provide opportunities for students to get extra help, make up work, and make connections with a staff member and their classmates.
By incorporating FLEX into the daily schedule, students can meet with their teachers during the day and won’t have the stress of finding time in their schedule to get extra help. Students who have after school activities often find it difficult to get extra help after school, so FLEX is a great time for them to get the help they need. Teachers are discovering that FLEX has curtailed their chasing students down to get their missing work.
FLEX is actually good for the social emotional health of the student body. Each year students get all new teachers, but for FLEX they will have the same teacher all four years with the hope of creating a good social, emotional connection with that teacher. Research suggests that these types of connections are important for all students because it gives them a chance to talk to somebody and relate to them.
“Flex is important for all students,” said science teacher Mr. Kyle Plante, “because it creates a social connection between a teacher they’ll see all four years.”
During the 2021-2022 school year, the school piloted the FLEX period format six times. Generally speaking, students did not enjoy last year’s FLEX opportunities. This year, the verdict about FLEX is still pending.
Mr. Plante is cautiously optimistic that “having it [FLEX] full year will change students’ minds.” Last year, there was only six weeks of flex so a whole year of it should hopefully make students enjoy it and so they can see the full benefit of it.
Friday FLEX periods allow students to participate in fun activities with their classmates and teacher. For example, Mr. Plante often brings in treats like cookies if his FLEX students keep up their grades. Students seem to enjoy FLEX on Fridays as it’s a little break in academics and can be a bright spot part of their stressful days. Of course, extra help is offered on Fridays, but it can still be used to have fun and relax after a long week.
FLEX may be a difficult change for some, but it could be a grade booster for a lot of students. For teachers, FLEX helps many students get help throughout the day and improves the chance to boost their grades.
“Flex can be very useful,” said Plante, “as long as students keep an open mind about it.”