Entering High School in 2020 -the year of the Covid-19 pandemic

Madison Harressey, Staff Writer

The transitional year from middle school to high school is rough for anyone, but for the class of 2024 which I am a part of, it was exceptionally difficult. Schools transitioned to remote learning at the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Everyone had to make changes to their life because of the lockdown due to the nationwide pandemic. Going into freshman year remotely was difficult to say the least. However I made the most of it and still managed to have fun. These photographs are a collection of pictures I’ve taken since covid started almost three years ago.

The beginning of the pandemic was scary because of all the uncertainty. But as time went on, we learned how to be safe and still go out and enjoy life. I am extremely thankful to say covid did not affect me personally, aside from little things like parties being canceled but that is a champagne problem compared to what a lot of people had to deal with. I did have quite a few covid-unrelated chronic health problems that were being sorted out in the midst of everything. That was difficult to manage on top of remote school. But as the pictures tell, I also had some really great times despite the health concerns.